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farnost Polička

Project results

During the repairs, the church and other objects were restored to their unprecedented beauty. In addition to the building itself, much of the furnishings were restored. Some of the objects can be admired in the newly created exhibition on the northern emporium and in the roof of the church. The Church of St. James is thus in great shape ready for the next generation of believers and tourists.

neděle 13. říjen 2024
dvacátá osmá neděle v liturgickém mezidobí
Texty: Mdr 7,7-11 // Zl 90(89) // Zid 4,12-13 // Mk 10,17-30
Bohoslužba 7:30 Sv. Jakub, 9:00 Sv. Jiří, 10:30 Sv. Jakub
pondělí 14. říjen 2024
dvacátý osmý týden v liturgickém mezidobí
Texty: Gal 4,22-24.26-27.31-5,1 // Zl 113 // Lk 11,29-32
úterý 15. říjen 2024
sv. Terezie od Ježíše
Texty: Gal 5,1-6 // Zl 119 // Lk 11,37-41
Bohoslužba 12:00 kaple na faře
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