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farnost Polička

About the reconstruction

Revitalization of the Church of St. James the Greater in Polička with the native room of Bohuslav Martinů

Brief description of the project

The Polička parish was successful in its application for a subsidy for a comprehensive repair of the church. The project, entitled Revitalisation of the Church of St. James the Greater in Polička with the Birthplace of Bohuslav Martinů, will be funded by a European subsidy under the Integrated Regional Operational Programme. The budget costs of the project amount to CZK 71 million. The share of the parish's own resources with the promised support of the town of Polička amounts to CZK 3.9 million. CZK. This success was conditioned by the supra-regional importance of the Polička church as a national cultural monument, which carries with it a certain prestige, but also a heavy obligation to take proper care of the monument, including ensuring its promotion as a cultural heritage and greater accessibility to the wider public. The future use of the monument will preserve all the elements of its current use with a substantial extension not only to the interior of the church, but also to the interestingly conceived attic, the main bells, and the exposition of the sacred art of St. James Church, which will be supplemented by exhibits from churches in the vicinity of Polička. The exposition will also be supplemented by original historical prints or facsimiles of prints whose originals require special treatment. The exposition will be located on the northern emporium and oratory of the church. From this area it will also be possible to see a substantial part of the church interior. The implementation of the project, which includes construction and restoration work, will take place from autumn 2017 to the end of 2020.

Description of project objectives and results

The main objective of the project is to preserve and revitalize one of the most important cultural heritage objects in the Polička region, which is the Church of St. James the Greater in Polička. Apart from the protection and restoration of the artistic and architectural values of the building, the preservation of the monument as a proof of the historical development in the region, the project will also bring an increase in the number of visitors to the monument and its intensified presentation to the public.

The fulfilment of the project's objective will result in the strengthening of cultural and social ties and the creation of a natural centre of cultural and spiritual administration in the region.

The specific objectives of the project are linked to the main objective of the project:

To give the revitalized building a new dimension as a centre of social, cultural, educational activities of regional and supra-regional importance,
to gradually increase the number of visitors to the building, to increase the share of foreign tourists, to prolong the stay of tourists and to disperse them also for the off-season,
preserve and improve conditions for family and educational tourism and school trips,
to increase the existing range of cultural events and school programmes held in the church building,
make the national cultural monument more attractive for tourism,
Protect cultural, architectural, archaeological and natural heritage,
revitalise the whole wider surroundings of the Polička region with new business activities and services requested by visitors to the building (agro-tourism, accommodation, catering, sale of home-made products and specialities, etc.),
to provide cultural and social events of supra-regional importance in the revitalised church building,
increase the reputation and prestige of the entire Polička region.
The results (or outputs) of the project can be structured into the following units:

building revitalization of the building includes:

  • renewal of the roofing (replacement with natural slate tiles) and roof structures of the building (including the lightning protection system),
  • new storm water drainage connection,
  • rehabilitation of the plaster layers, including new painting of the premises,
  • repair and cleaning of paving,
  • refurbishment and installation of new locksmith, joinery and plumbing elements,
  • restoration of the crypt.

Modernisation of the church building for its future intensive use includes in particular:

  • new electrical wiring,
  • new light fittings,
  • low-current installation of EZS, CCTV, SKS and sound system.
  • Restoration activities
  • exterior cladding and stone elements
  • stained glass
  • wall paintings
  • stone elements in the interior
  • wooden elements in the interior
  • metal elements
  • works of art for display
  • paintings and sculptures in the interior
  • books
  • organs
  • the most important activity in terms of making the building accessible to the general public is the establishment of a new tour circuit consisting of a new exhibition in the north emporium and oratory (view of the church from the oratory) and walkways (access to the roof trusses and the reverse of the vaults in the attic, access to the chamber with the large bell) and a platform at the level of the roof trusses above the main nave,
    an equally important result of the project will be the installation of an information kiosk in the vestibule at the main entrance to the church.
    Project budget and sources of funding according to the grant application (incl. VAT)

The total planned expenditure of the project amounts to CZK 71,362,216.00.

The planned project expenditure will be financed from the following sources:
- EU subsidy: CZK 60,357,233.50
- subsidy from the state budget of the Czech Republic: CZK 7,100,851.00
- own resources of the parish (subsidy recipient): CZK 3,904,131.50

photo of the condition before repair, photo: Jakub Klimeš
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